Athens Facebook Developer Garage
(live blogging from Athens, Zografou)
Evolution of the Web
Some stats on web, web2.0, adoption, AOL, yahoo, …, googlemaps, youtube
The facebook platform
- Massive ditribution
- Fast experimentation
- Constant changes to policies
php+java official libs (wasn’t official java support dropped???)
FQL – one table per query only (no join), access user, friend, group, group_member, event,event_member, photo, album, photo_tag
FBML – subset of HTML, some custom tags, Mock AJAX… Canvas belongs to you, apart from anything deceitful, you can put anything you want there (ads,..) – but ads like googleads don’t have context info to show related stuff, so???
Anatomy of An Application
- Only one-line status messages can be added to user statuses from apps… bigger ones must be approved from users.
- Now, limit to how many invitation an app can send to friends.
- Presenter (Nikolas Kokkalis) took part to Stanford Facebook class
- Cannot store male/female user info from facebook (for more than 24h), but if we ask users then we can!
- Viral factor f = X*Y*Z, f>1 then Viral growth… For each user, at least one friend accepted invitation (for PerfectMatch, f was 1.4 – they had to rename to Best Match due to … lawyers!)
- They’ve done experiments with the same exact app registered with 5 different names – and it does make A LOT OF DIFFERENCE (name matters)
- Every concept can be made viral … with the right modifications
- Other ways of income (apart from ads) : Virtual currency, virtual objects (VERY popular for teenagers to pay for those), surveys!!! (you ‘sell’ people filling surveys)
- Also, users think your company is more legit if they see ads in your site.
- It is an Art that requires a ton of Science
- Invitation text is terribly important
- Make it social, simple – use viral channels, ab test all
- Viral channels in FB: invitations, notifications, newsfeed, email, profile box, profile action
- Knowledge gap (we know the perfect match, do YOU know it? there’s a message for you, do YOU want to see it?)
- Modify a channel, gather data, analyze results (& restart)
- but… changing a channel can be time consuming, measuring + analyzing results difficult (reference to their but not much info there yet)
Some apps
… developed by greeks
- Greek Namedays
- kerasmata
- mySidebarBook