A small tacos update

No announcements yet, just this:

 [INFO] Tacos ................................................. SUCCESS [20.973s]
 [INFO] Tacos Site Skin ....................................... SUCCESS [1:39.694s]
 [INFO] Tacos Core ............................................ SUCCESS [1:16.806s]
 [INFO] Tacos Annotations ..................................... SUCCESS [9.568s]
 [INFO] Tacos Cometd .......................................... SUCCESS [8.425s]
 [INFO] Tacos Demo ............................................ SUCCESS [25.451s]
 [INFO] BeanForm .............................................. SUCCESS [0.169s]
 [INFO] BeanForm Core ......................................... SUCCESS [25.614s]
 [INFO] BeanForm Examples ..................................... SUCCESS [17.668s]
 [INFO] Tacos Dojo ............................................ SUCCESS [2.079s]
 [INFO] Tacos jQuery .......................................... SUCCESS [2.934s]
 [INFO] Tacos-Seam ............................................ SUCCESS [0.116s]
 [INFO] Tacos-Seam Core ....................................... SUCCESS [44.754s]
 [INFO] Tacos-Seam Demo ....................................... SUCCESS [8.213s]

Tacos 4.0.1 and Tapestry Support for Netbeans 5.5

We had two tapestry-related releases today:

Tacos 4.0.1

Tacos 4.0.1 was released a few hours ago.  
It’s mainly a stability release fixing 2 subtle bugs and  
enhancing the ajax encoder (for very pretty and short ajax urls). 
Make sure to also check out the previously undocumented but powerful 
ajax-enabled Table component. 
Thanks to all that contributed… 

* Docs for tacos:Table component. 
* Load external js synchronously. Fixes Bug127. 
* AjaxSubmit posts all the AjaxLinkSubmits before it. Fixes Bug130. 
* Do not clear current document after error (a failed ajax-post). 
* Jdk1.4 compatible class format for maven generated artifacts. 
* Add StringToListConverter. Allows updateComponents parameter to be specified as a comma-delimited String. 

* Add uniqueNames parameter in AjaxForm – forces the html name of each input control to stem from the component’s idPath (instead of the component’s id). 
* Support validators and translator in HtmlArea. Fixes Bug128. 
* Make buttons in tacos:Palette work. Fixes Bug129. 
* Remove hardcoded class attribute from tacos:Table. 
* Easier way for defining ajax exception and stale-session pages. 
* Enhance AjaxDirectServiceEncoder for ever prettier ajax urls.  

* Corrected links to tapestry’s component docs. 


Just released the first version of nbtapestrysupport.

It provides:

  • Hyperlink support in Tapestry configuration files for class names, files and libraries… CTRL+click everywhere!!!
  • Autocomplete in Tapestry configuration files for class names, files and others
  • Templates for new Tapestry files

Download the 2 nbms, then install the generic module first and then the tapestry module.


More Dojo Goodies : JavaScript Linker

More Dojo Goodies : JavaScript Linker

I couldn’t resist blogging this… it’s an awesome tool!

Go checkout svn co http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/dojo/trunk/tools/jslinker, read
the instructions at http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/dojo/trunk/tools/jslinker/docs/readme.txt and … use it!

So, let’s say i create a web app that makes use of dojo and of tacos.
Currently, tacos.js is 54kb and dojo is at least 150kb. So, how about reducing this? How about keeping only the functions and the files that are actually called from the html files?

Well, that’s exactly what the JavaScript Linker does.

For my first example, i run

java -Xms8m -Xmx200m -cp jsl.jar:sisc.jar:bcel.jar org.dojo.jsl.top.Top –verbose –prj jsl.prj –sources ../tests/test_tacos.html
and was left with a 2.3kb dojo.js and a 6.3kb tacos.js

Doesn’t this rock??? Thx dojo & Well done to everyone involved.

Dojo and Tacos

Dojo and Tacos

There’s still a tiny little bug holding Tacos from the 4-beta-2 release. It’s simply Demo crashes under IE 6 : )

It appears to happen when dojo javascript is included inside <HEAD> but after a <BASE> tag.

So, i did some diffs on dojo code from rev.2889 to rev.3301, noticed lots of nice things. Here they are (so that i can remember them, will do more research in a few hours):

  • What happenned to dojo.dom.getContentAsString? (not in rev.2889, initially in rev.3301 but not now )
  • Check out dojo.undo.browser.
  • Added timeout: function(type){ } and timeoutSeconds: 0 in dojo.io.Request (and perhaps bind?)
  • dojo.string.has contains wrong documentation.
  • Check out dojo_ie_clobber
  • Check out dojo.style.insertCssFile
  • Use dojo.lang.mixin for adding properties to object ( i.e. dojo.lang.mixin(this, kwArgs) ).
  • Try some explode effects using dojo.fx.html.explode([0,0,0,0], node, duration, callback);

Regarding the bug we’re facing, perhaps it has to do with this new code:

 try {
 	if (dojo.render.html.ie) {
 		//	easier and safer VML addition.  Thanks Emil!
 		document.namespaces.add("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
 		document.createStyleSheet().addRule("v\\:*", "behavior:url(#default#VML)");

that replaced this:

 try {
 	if (dojo.render.html.ie) {
 		document.write('<style>v\:*{ behavior:url(#default#VML); }</style>');
 		document.write('<xml:namespace ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" prefix="v"/>');

Will check all these as soon as i get to a win box. bye!