Here’s 3 more public Tapestry sites (using Dojo for ajax + javascript):
- is … sourcekibitzer! It provides detailed programming metrics into the relevant code quality, member activity, individual developer know-how, and scope of open source projects. It’s using Tapestry 4.0.2 and Tacos and it has recently been open-sourced. You can have it running locally in 5 mins!
- is a free internet bookmaker that uses the js effects and ajax that Tapestry 4.1.2 provides (via Dojo 0.4.3). The complete project is open-source, available from and quite easy to setup and play with locally.
- is a high volume greek news site that’s constantly updated. It’s on Tapestry 4.1.3 and does persistence with iBatis
So, if you’re interesting in having a look at Tapestry, why not grab the source of freebookie or sourcekibitzer and hack’em around?